We are a small group of people with great dedication. We do what we do with a deep belief that it can actually change people's lives for the better. We tackle the most fundamental questions in life and help people to find satisfactory answers. Because whoever finds answers will find clarity, peace, joy and goals worth fighting for. We are convinced that this work can bring about great changes on an individual, family and societal level. That's why we approach our projects with lots of motivation, optimism and confidence, and hope to bring them into reality with the help of like-minded people. We are flexible, creative, innovative and therefore love to do things that nobody has done before.
TagundnachtLL e.V.

Main areas of activity
Our main activities as a non-profit association are the promotion of art, culture and religion.
Religion revolves around the question of what is really good and really true and what we should direct ourselves towards as human beings. We believe that people find meaning and fulfillment in life when they live their lives towards what is truest, best and most beautiful. We want to create opportunities where conversations about these topics can be stimulated and what has been learned can be put into practice.
Art has something to do with beauty. We want to cultivate beauty on all levels. Both aesthetically and in character. Art also has to do with creativity. Everybody is creative and able to create new things. Creativity is an ability that manifests itself in many different ways. We want to provide opportunities to express this ability.
We put all these things into practice through various projects.
Our latest project is the construction of a coffee cart to be used to give good coffee as a gift and to stimulate conversation about life's most fundamental questions. Quality coffee products with quality conversation starters. Every person believes certain things about God and the world. Unfortunately, nowadays we no longer dare to talk about it and question why we believe what we believe. However, since these things affect our lives more than we realize, talking about them is of the utmost importance.
ecumenical prayer room
a place for alignement
The ecumenical prayer room can be used by individuals to spend undisturbed time in prayer. In our fast-paced world, you have to consciously take your time to find peace. That is why we want to create spaces that are contemporary, cozy and at the same time stimulating, to align one's inner being with who is truth personified and real life. Jesus Christ.
monthly events
We hold monthly events downtown to challenge people to think about the core message of the Christian faith. This is to stimulate conversations about faith. Because the more we start talking about this taboo topic, the more informed, responsible and conscious people can decide what they want to believe and for what reasons.

We believe...
…that Jesus Christ is absolutely unlike any human who has ever lived. As true God and true man, He has shown us how passionately our Heavenly Father's love burns for us and how much we need His salvation. Though He is majestic God, He served and loved us unto death and rightfully paid our debts on the cross. He is the only way to God and only in Him do we find true life and salvation. Risen, exalted above all powers, and more beautiful than anything we know, He deserves our thanks , praise, adoration, and above all, our attention and love.
We are...
…Christians of different denominations who want to share their faith
to live together, worship Jesus and make Him known.
Do you want to be there?
Whether Catholic, Protestant, free church, charismatic, contemplative, loud, quiet or completely different. If this thing has piqued your interest, please contact us! We welcome anyone who wants to be a part of making our projects a reality!
If you want to participate financially in our projects, you can transfer to the following account:
Account holder: tagundnachtLL e.V.
IBAN: DE49 7009 3200 0002 2927 34
Or donate with PayPal
If you want to support the association in another way, just contact us using the contact form below.
God bless!

Please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forward to your message!
Contact day and night LL e.V.: Info@tagundnachtll.de
Contact house of prayer: Info@gebetshauslandsberg.com
Contact coffee trolley/ Wholly Ground: info@whollyground.de