A place to encounter God

time for rest
time for encounter
time for god
These things are getting harder and harder in our fast-paced world. Therefore we have set aside a room just for this purpose. Mach dich auf um Gott zu begegnen. Set out to meet God. The way you are. In a place that
is made for that. To refuel. To pray. to love

In der Hermann-Köhl-Str. 9 in Landsberg liegt unser Gebetsraum.
It is not public and only accessible at certain times da er sich im gleichen Haus wie die evangelische Freikirche Vineyard befindet. Therefore the use of the room is only possible by prior arrangement.
Would you like to learn more about how to use the prayer room? Then just contact us!
We look forward to you!

We believe...
…that Jesus Christ is absolutely unlike any human who has ever lived. As true God and true man, He has shown us how passionately our Heavenly Father's love burns for us and how much we need His salvation. Though He is majestic God, He served and loved us unto death and rightfully paid our debts on the cross. He is the only way to God and only in Him do we find true life and salvation. Risen, exalted above all powers, and more beautiful than anything we know, He deserves our thanks , praise, adoration, and above all, our attention and love.
We are...
…Christians of different denominations who want to share their faith
to live together, worship Jesus and make Him known.
Do you want to be there?
Whether Catholic, Protestant, free church, charismatic, contemplative, loud, quiet or completely different. If this thing has piqued your interest, please contact us! We welcome anyone who wants to be a part of making our projects a reality!
Warum Gebetshaus - Einheit
Warum Gebetshaus - Schönheit
Warum Gebetshaus - Intimität
Warum Gebetshaus - Gebet

Wir sind kürzlich mit unserem Gebetsraum in die Hermann-Köhl-Str. 9 in Landsberg umgezogen. Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass wir dort im Haus der evangelischen Freikirche Landsberg untergekommen sind und freuen uns darauf, was diese Veränderung so alles mit sich bringen wird. Wenn Du auf dem Laufenden bleiben willst, was wir im nächsten Jahr alles so vor haben, trag dich in unseren Newsletter ein und du bekommst all die wichtigen Infos.
If you want to finantialy support the prayer room, you can donate to the following bank account:
bank account:
Account holder: tagundnachtLL e.V.
IBAN: DE49 7009 3200 0002 2927 34
If you want to support the association in another way, just contact us using the contact form below.
God bless!

Please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forward to your message!
Contact day and night LL e.V.: Info@tagundnachtll.de
Contact house of prayer: Info@gebetshauslandsberg.com
Contact coffee trolley/ Wholly Ground: info@whollyground.de