Story Time
Prophetic Workshop Nr. 01

Summer 2022
Stories prophetic workshops
Here you can find a few stories of our prophetic worshops.
Nr.01- first skeptical then thankful
Hello, I'm Jochen, 51 years old and a Christian for 43 years.
For many years I believed that the gifts of the Spirit should only be used very rarely and not to the full extent and that the work of the Holy Spirit was limited to the sermon and very few events on the mission field.
Birgit (my wife) and I have been coming to the Vineyard Church in Landsberg for about 2 years now and have been members since last year. During this time a lot has changed in our life of faith and I would like to briefly tell you about a special encounter. A few weeks ago a team from YWAM France visited the church and offered a prophecy seminar.
Am Vorabend des Seminars hatte ich Technik Dienst beim Lobpreis und dieser wurde von dem Team aus Frankreich gestaltet. An diesem Abend hat wurde ich so berührt, das Ich entschloss wenigstens den Vormittags Teil des Seminars zu besuchen. Gesagt getan, ich nahm teil und war völlig überrascht was ich dort erlebte. Ich bekam unter anderem eine Antwort auf eine Frage mit der ich seit Wochen mit Gott am reden war. Erstaunlicher Weise war die Antwort sehr klar und kam von jemanden der mich noch nie zuvor gesehen hatte noch irgend etwas von meiner Geschichte kannte. Mich hatte die Frage gequält warum ich erst nach so vielen Jahren die Wichtigkeit der Geistesgaben erkannt hatte.
The answer was complex and yet very precise and aroused my curiosity for more. However, the voice of doubt came back very quickly and I asked God to confirm what I had heard and experienced.
However, I did not anticipate how quickly and precisely God would respond.
A day or two later I received a package of books that I had ordered.
I found a small book that the publisher had included as a gift. He didn't know me either and had enclosed the small book for the reason that he himself was the author and the topic was important to him.
The title of the book was: "The 1 X 1 of Prophetic Speaking"
This little book pretty much contained what I had heard at the seminary the previous weekend.
God had answered me in such a way that I had no more doubts about what I heard.
Many more steps have followed since then and I continue to experience God's answers and the confirmation of His answers.
Thank you very much!
Münchener Straße 30 Landsberg Am Lech
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